Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's "Dog Gone" Fun!

And I never thought I'd say that. I guess having a husband and two daughters who love animals I was bound to lose the battle. So....we got a puppy. I guess the multiple betta fishes just didn't cut it. The timing couldn't have been more perfect as Savannah had a Scooby Doo birthday party. Somehow, hosting a mystery clue party with a puppy as the final clue just seemed right. As the only one who was worried about falling in love with a puppy I'd have to say I think I am the one most in love with the puppy. Josh left the decision as to what breed to get up to me and I chose a Cockapoo. She has all the best qualities of a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle mixed. At first glance you would think she was a stuffed animal because she has the appearance of one. With her curly, fluffy, red hair and dark brown eyes how could you not fall in love with her.

She loves getting her belly rubbed, chewing on chew sticks, and getting cheese cubes for "sitting". She will follow you around all day and is sure to be in the middle of all the action. After only 3 weeks with her we have her just about potty trained. This process has seemed much more easy then potty training a child. She is crate trained which I've been told is very important so I guess we are doing something right. Now if we could just get her to stop biting (or nipping) at everybody's feet we would be the happiest dog parents alive.
So I'd have to say that having an adorable little ball of fur with the sweetest temperament isn't as bad as I imagined. Little Ginger has been the highlight of the summer and I am sure we will continue to grow fonder of her. I guess it's a good thing that 5 year olds have birthdays and ask for things that you normally would never give into. Seeing your child smile in complete wonder and awe is worth every piece of poop we've had to pick up in the yard:) and will continue to have to pick up:)

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