Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Take One!

Last week, Savannah got to participate in our church's week long day camp. The theme this year was Power Lab and the kids learned about God's miraculous power. Savannah learned that God gives us the power to be thankful, the power to help others, the power to be brave, the power to live forever, and the power to tell others about God. What an honor it brings to a parent to see your child learning about her heavenly maker. As part of camp they got to be involved in a daily field trip. Savannah was thrilled as she got to take her very first ride on a real school bus. Just some of the things she got to do was watch a magic show, play at the beach in Anacortes, swim in the church swimming pool and water slide. She did get to go to a pony farm, but she chose not to ride the horse. This surprised me as Savvy loves horses(remember her 4th birthday?), but as I understood it she didn't want to ride alone and the teacher was unable to ride with her. By the way, Savvy's favorite thing at camp was the realationships she made with her two teachers. It was really sweet seeing the young girls give Savvy hugs everyday as we left her at camp. And seeing what they signed on her camp shirt, "I love you!". God really put some neat girls in Savannah's life this week. The second best part of the week was that Savvy came home exhausted. The first? Watching her perform songs they had learned throughout the week.

The Power!

You Never Let Go

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's "Dog Gone" Fun!

And I never thought I'd say that. I guess having a husband and two daughters who love animals I was bound to lose the battle. So....we got a puppy. I guess the multiple betta fishes just didn't cut it. The timing couldn't have been more perfect as Savannah had a Scooby Doo birthday party. Somehow, hosting a mystery clue party with a puppy as the final clue just seemed right. As the only one who was worried about falling in love with a puppy I'd have to say I think I am the one most in love with the puppy. Josh left the decision as to what breed to get up to me and I chose a Cockapoo. She has all the best qualities of a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle mixed. At first glance you would think she was a stuffed animal because she has the appearance of one. With her curly, fluffy, red hair and dark brown eyes how could you not fall in love with her.

She loves getting her belly rubbed, chewing on chew sticks, and getting cheese cubes for "sitting". She will follow you around all day and is sure to be in the middle of all the action. After only 3 weeks with her we have her just about potty trained. This process has seemed much more easy then potty training a child. She is crate trained which I've been told is very important so I guess we are doing something right. Now if we could just get her to stop biting (or nipping) at everybody's feet we would be the happiest dog parents alive.
So I'd have to say that having an adorable little ball of fur with the sweetest temperament isn't as bad as I imagined. Little Ginger has been the highlight of the summer and I am sure we will continue to grow fonder of her. I guess it's a good thing that 5 year olds have birthdays and ask for things that you normally would never give into. Seeing your child smile in complete wonder and awe is worth every piece of poop we've had to pick up in the yard:) and will continue to have to pick up:)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Here Comes the Sun Do Do Do Doo!

And I say, It's alright! Well, we're back from vacation and I'm back on the blog. Not that a whole lot of people have noticed, but I haven't blogged since November. I have reason for that which has mostly to do with the remodel and which I will explain in the next blog (with pictures!) It seems I've been a little overwhelmed with all the projects and the finances that the little things start to slip. It probably also has a little to do with a new Guitar Hero addiction seeing as how I needed a reward for all my hard work. I guess I really needed a break from the daily grind. But you don't care about that so I'll get right to it, then.

So I've been at Costco now for a whole year so I finally got my vacation time paid out. My anniversary date was July 3rd so I was all set for our annual summer vacation. This year we stayed at my mom's house in Ocean Park which is just a little north of Long Beach on the Washington peninsula. I won't bore you further with the details of our trip since most beach vacations end the same way - sand all over your car. The girls are always thrilled to go play in the ocean and here are a couple pictures to show just how brave they are. Paige is a little timid about the water but she loves the sand. Savannah, however, is fearless with the ocean. If she could swim yet, she would be out among the waves. I was a little chicken because the water was too cold, yet both girls were out jumping and sitting in the water. Of course we had a great time having fun and taking time to relax but Savannah's favorite part of the whole trip was coming home. Ahhhh...

Which means back to the honeydo list for me!