Friday, October 26, 2007

Remlinger Farm Harvest Extravaganza!

YES! It's that time of year again to bring out the pumpkins and pumpkin pies and pumpkin spice lattes and anything generally "pumpkin." Brooke even started using the phrase "I turn into a pumpkin at 8:00" again, referring to the fact that she does indeed gain 200 pounds and turns orange in the face. All kidding aside, we decided this would be a good year to take the kids back to Remlinger Farm in Carnation. We went Sunday the 14th and it was a wonderful day to go. The sun was out, the wind was calm, and the kids were in good spirits. If you've never been to Remlinger Farms, it's kind of like a small scale Knott's Berry Farm. And if you've never been THERE, then I'll explain a little bit. This is a working farm - I assume that because they raise animals, grow corn, and have a barn. Well, it's probably more likely they have all that to get money from parents who want their kids to touch dirty animals and get their clothes filthy dirty with various activities. Scattered throughout the many acres of land are carnival rides and play areas which has nothing to do with actual farming but is nonetheless fun to do to celebrate the fall harvest (much like in ye olden days.) This is a guaranteed fun time for all.

The first things the kids did was ride the ponies. Our two little girls are not afraid of ponies and will ride them at every opportunity. The whole time the girls would not stop smiling. Then it was off to the giant blow-up slide. The only problem was the line was too long and the girls wanted to slide LOTS more. This seemed to be the big downside to the whole festival. Too many people and not enough rides. Luckily, the next line we waited in for the canoe ride was short and fast. The girls loved watching the wooden ducks float by. Now we come to the girls' favorite attraction of the day - the Hay Jump. This was a giant pit filled with hay, which sticks to everything and invades spaces not meant for hay. The girls jumped and swam and buried themselves over and over and over again. It was worth the admission price just to see them play. Afterwards, we tried out the Hay Maze, Flying Pumpkins, Spinning Logs, Toddler Ferris Wheel, Sort-Of-Carousel Horse Ride, Bouncy House, Whirley-Thing, and the Train Ride. The last ride of the day was the miniature Roller Coaster that was actually pretty scary. Not so much in the "Fast and Furious" sense but more in the "Years of Whiplash Therapy" sense. Definitely a ride designed with shorter occupants in mind. And what day would be complete without a second turn in the Hay Jump. By then most of the other families were on their way home (I think there was a Seahawks game or something.) We were feeling pretty exhausted by then too so we went back home. Oh, we forgot to pick out some pumpkins.

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