Sunday, August 26, 2007

Our Girls, An Introduction

So here are our little girls. Most people would refer to their kids as "little angels" but that's mostly heavy sarcasm and not at all true. Yes they do LOOK like little angels, but beneath that innocent exterior is a mischevious mind calculating the quickest way to make a person lose their sanity. Savannah is brilliant for a 4 year old and will play chase until you are laying in a hospital breathless from heart failure, but she is also a sneakly little monkey who will get into food cupboards and take one bite out of your food before putting it back AND who can color an entire dining room floor with unwashable crayons in the 10 minutes it takes you to use the bathroom. Paige is a little behind Savvy in the smarts department but she makes up for it in tremendous heart and sensitivity. She will hug and kiss you at the drop of a hat but her sensitivity also translates into a LOT of hurt feelings, especially when dealing with big sister. If you don't have two of everything (which is most of the time), you get a lot of one thing: cry-screaming. That's where you cry a lot while screaming at the top of your lungs. Then as sensible parents you try to calm her down with lots of yell-pleading, i.e. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO CRY. I WILL GET YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT AS LONG AS YOU PLEASE STOP CRYING!" Needless to say, this is REALLY effective because all us parents know how easy it is to reason with 2 year olds. But we love them just the same.

First Post, Last Day of My Unblogged Life

So this is officially my(our) first blog. This will be a spot where we can update family and friends on the goings-on on our household and post about stuff we see and hear. I tried blogging on MySpace but its not too user-friendly. MySpace is fun for finding friends and all but there are problems inherent in the system. Hopefully we can keep this space up to date and figure out how best to show off our kids:)